Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Discussion Board

Cheng WANG
Posted Date:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:56:32 PM EST
Edited Date:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:56:32 PM EST
Total views:
2 (Your views: 2)
English is becoming more and more important in our life. If you want to go to the university ,you must learn English . In my opinion ,English can give you a lot of benefit .For example, you can go aboard for your further education ,if your English is very good.We can communicate with foreign people when we are travel if we can speak English. We can also understand different culture of other country .

Cheng WANG
Posted Date:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:29:14 PM EST
Edited Date:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:29:14 PM EST
Total views:
3 (Your views: 3)
It is well known that Australia gets a lot of benefit because it is a English-speaking country. Education industry of Australia is the forth biggest industry.  You known, ELCOS is Australia's English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students. All the students of REW must pay AUD$390 per week for their studies. It is very expensive. International students also need to pay the rent of apartments, food, transport, entertainment and other convenience expenses. It offers a lot of jobs for Australia.

Cheng WANG
Posted Date:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:56:11 PM EST
Edited Date:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:56:11 PM EST
Total views:
2 (Your views: 2)
English is becoming more and more important in the world. In my opinion, business men need English to create English in other countries. People who want travel in other countries need English to communicate with other people. English is widely used in education, advertising, medical and so on. Most of documents or research is published by English, so you need to learn English well. English can give you a lot of opportunity of career. If you are good at English , you can work at a foreign company.

Week 4 reflection!

This a happy week that we have a public holiday. We have a rest , But I am worried about the exam in the week 5. On Monday, James taught us how to write the critical respond essays. He let us to think in critical.He told me there is a lot of language which does not fit the response. He told me how to keep on the key point of the respond to the article. When i review the words of my vocabulary book., I can not remember them, so I learn them again. I think it is good for me to do more practise the oral presentation. It will help me with the confidence and the fluency. This can give me good mark, if I feel confidence and am very fluency. I think I should do more write about the critical response essay. This is my weakness. I will work hard to learn more about the writing and speaking. And I will practise my presentation more. I will do my best to prepare for the exams in week 5 which may be hard for me.  I see some essays which were written by my classmates and learn from them how to write the critical respond essay.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3 reflection!

Week 3 has gone. This week we have a exam about the critical response essay. I think I do not do well. Though we used the whole morning to discuss how to write it with James, I was still confusing about it.In the afternoon we wrote the essay. I did not know how I can finish it. I thought some of my respond did not make sense. It is not logic. I think the result of the essay may be very poor. I missed two days class. Sometime I can not sleep at night, so I sleep very late. Sometime I went to bed at 5.00 am , so the alarm can not wake me up. Then I miss the class. I am sorry about that. Sometime I am not responsible for myself. I am trying to overcome my lazy. The two days I missed , Ricardo told us that we would do some listening and he would talk with us about our oral presentations one by one. I am little worried about my presentation. I can not find enough ideas about my topic. I need to research more for topic and get more information. I began to write the essay about the presentation. I find a good website for listening. It is BTN which website is listen to the record of BTN ,though it is very hard for me. This week we learnt how to respond to two articles. It is more difficult than before. I try to learn more.  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 2 reflection!

Oh my god! Week 2 has just gone. What did I learn this week. This week we learned how to write critical respond essay. I think it is very hard for me. Sometime I do not know how to respond to the arguments of the author. I cannot catch the main idea of the article. There will be a exam of writing in week 3.I am very worried about it. I want to practise writing a critical review and learn about referencing and write a critical respond essay.  There are also many difficulties like  that I cannot remember the new words I wrote in my vocabulary book , always forget them after reviewing. Listening is also the problem for me. I cannot write the sentence as much as I can. When I try to write the words ,the sentences have gone. I cannot take enough notes to answer the questions. I think I must try to use symbols and abbreviations when I am taking notes.It is good for taking notes to use symbols. But it is difficult to remember them and use them in taking notes.I practise taking notes by listening TED.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 1 reflection!

Time goes fast. I am so lucky to pass e6. E7 which is the most difficult course of  REW is coming. How i can  pass  e7 is becoming a big problem. I really enjoyed this week study in the class, the teachers are great and professional, I learned a  lot and had fun in the class. This the second week in REW that I do not absent any class. Maybe I am worried about the test. But the timetable is very bad. We need to get up at 7.00 in the morning. It is really hard for me. In this week ,James taught us how to make a learning-journal blog and told us about the importance of the learning-journal blog. Then he asked us to write a vocabulary book. He said that we only wanted to write three or five words per day. If we write more ,we may not remember these words.I thought there was someone said " Easy come easy go." I agreed with James. I think it is easy to write the vocabulary book in a month. But it is very hard to keep it as a daily homework in a year even all your life. If I do this, I will become a professional of vocabulary. I try my best to write the vocabulary book. After I finish the course of REW, I want to continue the vocabulary book. Listening is very difficult for me because we need to take notes before we look the questions.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


E7 is here. What i want to do is pass it. Here are some goals about the four parts of test.
Here we go!

My learning style

According to the VAK Learning Style Quiz, I'm a kinesthetic learner. I agree with it and find some information about  kinesthetic learner from Internet.

Kinesthetic learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or merely watching a demonstration. It is also referred to as tactile learning. People with a kinaesthetic learning style are also commonly known as do-ers.

1. Chew
Does your school or situation allow you to chew gum? Do you lack braces or TMJ? Then quietly chewing a bit of gum might offer the motion stimulus you need to help you learn. Just make sure you keep your mouth closed—smacking’s a sure way of making others mad at you and maybe even of losing your gum privileges.
2. Color
Make a photocopy of your notes or the map or whatever you’re studying. Now pull out some colored pencils, highlighters, or whatever you have available, and color it! Pay attention to what you’re coloring, and the act of coloring could be your best option. It’s also possible that the mere act of color-coding your notes might be enough.
3. Jitter
This can really annoy people, but sometimes silently tapping your leg or bouncing your foot can be the stimulus you need to learn or maybe even pay attention when listening to a lecture, since it’s a healthy alternative to (rudely) picking your nails. The foot-bouncing produces less movement and less distraction to those around you than leg-bouncing does, so even those who protest leg motion might be placated with this compromise.
4. Type
Type out your notes on a computer, typewriter, or calculator (though I wouldn’t advise that last one for time reasons). Pay attention as you type, and experiment with different fonts and coloring. If this works for you, regular black type will probably be fine, but some people will find colored cursive reminiscent of their own highlighted handwriting better.
5. Walk
Some folks’ personal favorite: walking. Take your notes and repeat them to yourself while walking. If you’re in a rush, walking faster or bouncing while you walk can sometimes help, though this method’s effectiveness might vary with subject. When space is limited (or you’re in a hallway awaiting a test), a few-step pace back and forth can suffice instead of a wide circling you might prefer when you have room.
6. Write
Try writing out your notes by hand. Some people find this method the cement for their memories, especially some forms of visual learners. If trying this method, you do have to pay attention to what you’re writing and can’t just run on autopilot. Experiment with pencil and pen, polychromatic (colored) and monochromatic (black and white).
7. Yo-yo
As crazy as this might sound, some people have their best results from this one: studying while yo-yoing. The motion and sound (the yo-yo has a type of buzzing sound while twirling on the string) make this method especially useful to audio-kinesthetic learners. If you try this one, you’ll probably find yourself walking while studying, as well.
